There’s nothing like a change of scenery, and camping with the whole family can be an absolute blast. However, traditional camping doesn’t tend to mesh well with big, elaborate family meals. So how do you choose?

You don’t! Camping in your RV means all the fun of the great outdoors, plus the convenience of a fully functional kitchen, so you can bake your fruit cake and eat it too. That doesn’t mean it will be as easy as cooking at home, however. RV kitchens are low on workspace and storage, and you may have appliances smaller than you’re used to in a residence.

Luckily, we here at Pete’s RV PA know a thing or two about RVs. We’ve gathered some of our best tips for cooking a family meal in the confines of your camper below. If you need more help or advice, or you’re looking for an RV to take on your next big family trip, contact our store in Mountville, Pennsylvania. Our staff can help you find what you need at the prices you want!

Planning Is Everything

No matter how complex or time-consuming your favorite family meal is (or isn’t), RV cooking requires a plan. You need to know what you’re making, when, and what ingredients, implements, and appliances you’ll need for them. Plans will help you address issues with timing or space before they come up, preventing a whole lot of headaches in the process. 

Start by:

  • Making a grocery list.
  • Deciding what appliances are needed for what dishes.
  • Creating a prep and cooking schedule.
  • Figuring out food quantities.

If you’re planning on guests, or you’re going to someone else’s kitchen, remember to play it safe. It’s also a good idea to see if some food can be brought rather than made to divide the effort.

Meal Prep

Most parts of a big family meal are best served fresh, but not all of them need to be. One way to clear up your cooking schedule is to make some dishes ahead of time, like appetizers or sides. Make them the night before the big meal, or earlier in the day, to make sure they’re still fresh without adding too much to your workload. 

Dips and spreads are easy go-to’s for making early and can keep everyone happy while dinner cooks. We recommend something savory like slow-cooker crab dip, or maybe something sweet like peppermint bark dip. Other appetizers are actually best made in advance. 


Everyone has a favorite side that they might eat exclusively if they had the chance. Whether you’re a sweet potato fanatic or a lover of a good green bean casserole, everyone associates the family dinners with the chance to chow down on one or two massive helpings of a side dish. Traditionally, many of the most popular sides are baked in the oven, but RVs rarely have more than one and you might be using it for other foods. Instead, experiment with mimicking those side recipes in a stovetop skillet or on the grill!

Main Dishes

Some think turkey. Some think ham. Others think roast beef or tofu. Whatever your main dish of choice might be, you’ll need to plan that one out extra carefully. First, make sure you have room in the cooking implement of choice. With RV ovens and stoves, space is at a premium. 

And if your RV doesn’t have the tools you need at all, what then? You improvise, of course! Grills are a classic camping cooking method and can be great for most meals. If the weather looks nasty, then maybe invest in a large slow cooker or instant pot. The worst-case scenario here is that you try out a new main dish!

Pet-Friendly Treats

Many of your favorite foods are harmful to your pet, but some are perfectly edible and can help your pet feel like part of the family. Just make sure you account for any known or potential allergies before you feed your pet:

  • Pumpkin.
  • Green beans.
  • Carrots.
  • Apples (without the seeds or core).
  • Winter squash.
  • Corn (without the cob).
  • Certain berries.
  • Cooked sweet potatoes.

This past year has led to some alterations on traditions, and that’s alright. Whatever yours might be, they rely on keeping the folks around you safe and happy—and, occasionally, well-fed! We hope these tips have helped make your next big family meal less stressful and more special. If you want more tips, or you’re looking for a new RV, contact us at Pete’s RV PA. We proudly serve the people of Mountville, Hershey, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and York, Pennsylvania—let us serve you today!